RE:RE:RE:New Low will be bad news90% of this thread, on both sides is drivel. Your comment just happen to stand out as extraordinary in being completely devoid of any facts or logic. As for manamgement, absolutely they have completely mismanaged the company. In particular, it's a shame there hasn't been an open investigation of how the obvious leak of information this spring, prior to earnings and the FDA fast track date.
peasoupfog wrote: So you obviously don't think the "
endless drivel" is what has been spewed by Management and the Pumpers for the past 2-3 years? So lets hear your prediction on what happens before we run out of cash. Spell it out of us.
kevinNash wrote: 60k shares all morning and then just out of the blue 238k traded in a minute. Financing at 35 cents? So the company is going to wait all this time to announce their finanncing at a low without a deal announced? My brain hurts everytime I read through most of the comments of this thread. It's just endless drivel.
peasoupfog wrote: If this drops to a new +5 yr low below $0.45, and closes there, it is not good news for sure.
BTW, Stockhouse has the Year Low at $0.47 but it was actually $0.45 on June 28th.
Unless there is a good Deal soon, expect financing in the $0.35 area, and that is only if they can find anyone to put more money into this. Thomvest may have run out of patience already, and are willing to take over the IP.
You just never know