RE:The Denver WebcastMost of this presentatuion is old news. But page 11 is definitely interesting IMO. Gold production the last 12 months has been reconfimed at 335,000 and it now appears that 27 stopes have been mined out to produce these ounces. This implies an average production per stope of 12,400 ounces. This is considerably lower than I would have ex[pectred , but it is what it is.<br /> <br /> Unless more productive stopes are identified and accessed, This implies a minimum of 8 stopes being mined out every quarter to obain present guidance. This is not contradicted management.s previously stated intention to have 12+ production stopes available to miners at all times.<br /> <br /> <br /> It also speaks as to why 800 meters of development are required to keep up.
Mill thruput of 3700 tpd will put a lot of additional pressure on mining crews who wil need more equipment,more definition drilling, more, camp space etc etc to keep their heads above water.