A normal day. Canadian dollar went up & one would think it's good for us? In many areas it is but often the MJ investors which many many are US investors are not crazy about a stronger loonie.Now, A very affecting detail. US, ASIAN, Europe markets were/are not in their best moods today for normal none alarmist reasons. It's healthy. Do you think it'll go up forever like a kid dream? Therefore it's a ripple effecting day. Adjusting. It's not only the MJ sector. You got to get global. Many, like myself, are using this day to reorganize, selling the weaks, buying the strongs, filtering news, datas, as there are nice dips out there, revamping our portfolios. Have fun, go to gym, go to the teather, read, smart up, do your DD, use this lower energy day for YOU. To come back stronger, clearer, wiser. Stockhouse is useless today, & often but exceptions exist therefore I'm still around. The big world is adapting to much financial events since the past months withGlobal tariffs, uncertainty & today is a day for the serious, the longs. Be constructive & also have fun doing it.