This stock is looking like it wants to breakout anytime now.All equities is selling off today due to 10-Yr yields above the roof creating market uncertainty and turbulance. Canadian MJ with no doubt is selling off, especially so close to legalisation. Don't expect a "run-up"... it won't happen. Look at LNG Project Canada. HUGE anticipation and news but everything sold off immediately like crazy. This will happen to CDN M.J.
Rather than down or flat, CWEB holding strong and on the rise. Eventually and VERY soon probably next week, ALL $ from CDN M.J will flow to U.S M.J because that's how the market works. You play upcoming catalysts and the "game". There's no game left on the CDN M.J side because all you're waiting for is the eventual post-legalisation earnings at this point, which will be disaster. On top of this, everything possible on the CDN M.J side is baked and priced in to PERFECTION. There's no juice left for anyone.
All money will flow to U.S M.J and what better than the Canopy of CBD, miss Charlotte's Web?
I don't know about you, but I hate volatility, and having CWEB building a strong base above $15 is fine by me while every other name is dying.