Lets get something straightFor everyone in here complaining about the 6$ price of the warrants i hope you are not currently holding any hexo because your due diligence is pathetic the 6$ price was not set in the last few weeks it was set the 1st of august when the deal was originally announced. Keep in mind this news was released in the morning of the first of august, the 31st of July just the day before hexo opened at a price of 4.14 this is almost a 50% premium from where the stock was the day before there was no way for molson coors or hexo to anticipate the 100% increase in share price in just over two months please if you are gonna put your money into something please put atleast a fourth of the time it takes you to earn it into your research. And if you dont believe me which you SHOULDNT check out this video skip to the last two minutes this was recorded and posted august the 1st following the initial news release https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/video/molson-hydropothecary-cannabis-joint-venture~1452693 The knowledge on this board is abismal