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Imperial Metals Corp T.III

Alternate Symbol(s):  IPMLF

Imperial Metals Corporation is a Canada-based exploration, mine development and operating company. The Company’s holdings include the Mount Polley mine (100%), the Huckleberry mine (100%), the Red Chris mine (30%). The Company also holds a portfolio of about 23 greenfield exploration properties in British Columbia. The Mount Polley copper/gold mine in south-central British Columbia is owned 100% by Mount Polley Mining Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. The property encompasses about 24,096 hectares (ha) consisting of seven mining leases and 52 mineral claims. The Huckleberry copper mine in west-central British Columbia is 100% owned by Huckleberry Mines Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. The property encompasses about 25,767 ha, consisting of two mining leases and 49 mineral claims. Red Chris Development Company Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, owns a 30% beneficial interest in the Red Chris copper/gold mine in northwest British Columbia.

TSX:III - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by ArmlessWarrioron Oct 05, 2018 3:18pm
Post# 28754458

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Several options for 2019....

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Several options for 2019....Using business subterfuge to take a company from small shareholders at below fair value is considered a d-ick move in bird culture. 
Bullboard Posts