RE:RE:Mgmt scumbags did a PPI cant find this NR anywhere, where did he get it from?
Edcando wrote: Lmao! Wow those "scumbags" just raised the float from around 100 million shares to around a whopping 111 million shares (after all warrants exercised). They're also restricted for 5 months which was super smart . I can also assure you that no one bothers trading 25+ million shares just to make the Pp "in the money". One of the only things keeping Neutrisci down was its lack of exposure (due primarily to lack of marketing funds) . Insiders hold a ton of shares. Their success is tied to that of the company's . This new money comes at a perfect time to take advantage of the roll out of the thc/cbd tabs as well as kick amazing neuenergy into high gear ! This isn't only a smart play , but miles less "scumbaggy" than pretty much every other PP deal in the sector. At the rate you're getting "ignores" it won't be long before you need to come up with a new "witty" name. Imo we're still golden and I'm looking forward to our future . GLT most