2019 is our yearWhile the other LP’s Are enjoying market caps pricing in their years in future estimated earnings potentials, TGIF has not joined that party. This seems like a great opportunity to get a stock a massive discount to what the industry average market caps are based on.
Yes, federally illegal in the United States. That is going to change just a matter of time.
Assuming 80million revenue 2019, this thing is trading at stupid low price to rev. (See Bruce Campbell BNN for what it’s worth)
TGIF is a stock that will go up, and not just on hype. The growth of this stock will be reflected in the real numbers that will be coming in the future, Something that I would be worried about holding other weed stocks at this point, as they will have to prove that the values they have now are supported. Since we missed the run with the Canadian stocks it’s nice to know that’s not a worry, for now.
Lastly, TGIF operates in USA, in many huge populated states, they do not need to try to establish global dominance to justify the share price as it is and when we risE. Stock is under the radar, most marijuana investors are lazy and heat about the big 3 and stop there. The world of weed is expanding beyond that.
just some random ramblings.