RE:The only thing sending this stock up....mtd, if you really believe that postings here, or on other chat boards, has any effect, positive or negative, to the sp, then your either living in the late 80's early 90"s or your smoking what Inner will be selling. The days of chat room B$ having any effect on price are long gone. These forums are useful for discussion, that is about it now, both positive and negative, I welcome both. In most cases they are a feel good location for investors to confirm thier decisions, kinda of looking back at car or real estate sites afer you have bought, or sold, to see if you made the right decision. IF anyone has bought, sold or shorted because of posts here, or anywhere else, they deserve to lose their money. Banks and institutions have zero interest in shorting penny stocks, currently there is 3 institutional holders of ISH, owning about 33%, IF, anyone (banks/insttitutions) are on the sideline waiting for legalization, I doubt it, then that would have a positive effect on the sp. The catalyst here, IMO, is licenses, then the financials, next week won't POP or drop this stock, this is a growth opportunity, for your 401K. Shorters are busy at ACB and WEED as an example, zero shorts for ISH on my screen at the moment, how about yours, I don't see your short...asssuming you are short? As for dd, you will find there is a growth opportunty for franchises in this business in Canada, this opportunity will rise or fall on what happens in this space over the next couple of years, will depend on licenses, number of franchises, number of corporate stores and locations. Not on posts here for, or against. The future looks promising, and an investment is all about the future, any price between 25-30 cents is a good investment IMO. But short away if you feel you must, based on your posts, you 'feel' it is website or retail pumps that is responsible for a rise/fall in the sp, how ever slight one way or the other, lol. and not dd. Good luck.