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On the Toronto Stock Exchange, the UrtheCast share closed on October 4, 1818 at the rate of $ 0.28. The UrtheCast share is allocated to the Research and Advisory Services segment.
Our analyst team analyzed UrtheCast for analysis based on this review. A total of six factors lead to individual assessments as "buy", "hold" or "sell". From this, an overall assessment is determined in the last step.
1. Analyst Appraisal: Over the past 12 months, a total of 4 analyst reviews have been issued for the UrtheCast share. Of these, 1 reviews were "Buy", 3 "Hold" and 0 "Sell". In summary, this results in a "hold" rating for the UrtheCast share. There are no analyst updates on UrtheCast from last month.
The analysts' ratings resulted in an average price target of $ 0.63. The security has an upside potential of 126.19 percent, based on the last closing price (0.28 CAD). From this, a "Buy" recommendation is derived. The bottom line is that UrtheCast gets a "buy" rating for this point of the analysis. 2. Relative Strength Index: The Relative Strength Index (RSI) relates the up and down movements of an Underlying over time, thus providing a good indication of overbought or underbought stocks. The RSI of the last 7 days for the UrtheCast share has a value of 32.14. On this basis, the stock is neither overbought nor sold and receives a "Hold" rating. We now compare the 7-day RSI with the value of the RSI on a 25-day basis (40.58). Again, UrtheCast is neither overbought nor sold (value: 40.58), so the stock also receives a "hold" rating for the RSI25. All in all, therefore, the RSI rating results in a "hold" rating for UrtheCast.
3. Technical Analysis: UrtheCast's 200-Day Line (GD200) is currently running at $ 0.5. Thus, the stock receives the classification "Sell", insofar as the stock price even at 0.28 CAD from trading, and thus has built a gap of -44 percent. The ratio is different from the moving average price of the past 50 days. The GD50 has currently reached a level of $ 0.23.
This, in turn, equals the current difference of +21.74 percent for the UrtheCast share, a "buy" signal. The overall result based on the two periods is therefore "Hold"