overvalued, or whatI get a real kick out of pumpers and bashers on public forums, if you want to understand if a stock is over valued or not, you have to look at the float and price, then compare that with the dd you do to see where a company is going, current values put this around 45- 55 million depending on the share price of the day. If you feel this is unrealistic, then short it, or sell and wait for a lower level. There will be no surprises to the upside, and todays drop, and I missed it, damn, is all about support and leverage. There are going to be days like this, as there are days when the sp grows by 12-15%, (at this level) No doubt the growers are over valued, smart money is shorting them, ISH is sitting on the sidelines and will continue to do so until it starts to report revenues. Website shows 14 locations in Alberta, 2 are corporate if I read the NR correctly, one in Calgary and one in Edmonton, both cites over a million population, and one in Sask. More will follow, Ontario and BC. If a market cap of 55/60 million is high in your opinion, run forest, but from my vantage, it is far from an unrealistic cap based on projected sales of pot in Canada, the locations Spirit will have, and the power franchising has moving forward. I ask myself one simple question when it comes to the vices we love, how is it sold into the market. Booze is either controlled by your provinces, or sold mostly through mass market retailers and franchises, pot will be no different. How many ma and pops do you see in Canada successfully selling booze? Ma and Pas will have to franchise or get squeezed or bought out IMO. There is a place for franchises going forward, and currently Spirit is the only one there is, my bet, is someone will pick them up, that will be the only surprise to the upside shareholders may see in the short term, if not, this will grow, pick a price, buy, put it in your 401K, forget the good and bad days, and speculate on others, all just my opinion. Good luck.