Fred's response on BNN comment from Rob McWhirterI have just listened to the interview and as much as I like Bob McWhirter, I think he is seriously due for a Prometic 101 refresher. He cited a few things that are not consistent at all with what we are doing at the moment. For example, true that we have the technology to extract many different proteins from human plasma (he said 11, we have publicly disclosed only 5-6 so far) and we are mainly focused at the moment with plasminogen which is turning out to be much more valuable than what we even thought at the beginning since there are a lot of acquired plasminogen deficiencies that will be long hanging fruit for us once the drug is first approved for the congenital deficiency.
He also spoke about PBI-4050 and could not even tie the drug to underlying condition we are targeting, fibrosis. He referred to fibrinogen instead of fibrosis. Fibrinogen is another protein that we could extract from human plasma and has no0thing to do at all with the fibrotic conditions we are and will be pursuing with the drug. That should tell you that even our Canadian so-called experts need to freshen up big time before going live on TV and publicly disclose their opinion on stuff they don’t even master…
Bob is a smart man and a true gentlemen but he is not up to date on the story at all at the moment.