The only thing that puzzles me is the fact Washington I am sure was aware of the diamond market and the man made diamonds but still purchased Diavek and went private. Just like DD he is aware of the diamond market and the man made diamonds and he is still buying shares even when this thing has been tanking. What is it that they know that we don't. They are no dummines.
You are assuming it must be industry issues that is causing MPVD share price weakness.
It is not. It is an MPV made disaster, and in my opinion, somewhat by design.
Compare MPV to LUC for the last six months.
MPV chart topped out just before the 95C stone was announced. With that annoucement it immediately headed south.
On the short trade report for that period the short trades short up 4 fold.
The amount of Short trading has not deminished.
Then there are the trades. I have never seen so many 100 and 200 share trades on one equity.
Sometimes the sell for one broker some times multiples.
Put up 20K shares for sale and see how they show up. They will gone in two or three trades.
Nothing makes sense because their is no sense to be made. Like I have posted before. This 'makes no sense', I have seen with Cona resources.
Well those that took it private when oil spiked got a rude awakening called the Canadian oil discount.
If someone takes this away from us I hope they meet the same fate. Either through synthetics or the "OLD BOY" industry hell bent on revenge.
Let's face it. Diamonds is its own little commodity sector. With its own very powerful influences.
Some posted that MPVD is on the watch list. I hope that post was sincere.