RE:Secret FINEQIA Video Snuck Through the BackdoorI just want to follow up and reiterate that that was one really good interview. I remember asking on here so what happens if you lose your key when bundeep ezplaijed the bitcoin with good analogies.
I really like a third party trustee uk regulated holding the keys. And it makes me understand better. I understand much better. The interviewer harps on how manning has to make things so complicated. Reminds me of Buffett and munger who also said that mankind had a peeversion to make simple things complicated. And it also reminds me of what’s ahark Tank billionaire and dyslexic Charles Branson likes to say : “if I can understand then the customer can understand it “. Well if I can understand this better after that interview then that was one good interview. I can see our pipeline. I can see the need. It seems easy and secure and comes with trust. I would trust this process. And I’m a very skeptical and untrusting person. I like this.