ON ABENPettit states in his latest interview that he has been with this group for 16 years yet, in my opinion, he hasn't learned how to run a PR campaign. As we can se gold in rising, other gold stocks are rising and Aben's share price is falling. Why, because he keeps making promises that he can't keep. As I have stated before he should "put up or shut up" in his prdictions about when the assays will be released. His constant missteps are hurting the SP and in turn the investors how have put their hard earned money into this venture. Remember Bayfield that he touts as selling . He sold Bayfield for a fraction of what the stock had been trading 6 to 12 months previous. So if he calls that a triump then I hate to see what happens to Aben. I am afraid his yapping has permanently hurt this Stock. Just look at Gt Gold you didn't hear their President shooting his mouth off every couple of days or promising when.the assays to be released only to fail in producing them.