RE:RE:house positionsthanks indie, it is just more information you can use to help get a picture of what is going on. This is how I use this information, as examples.
Anon and BMO are heavy sellers in the past month So, as an example, if you see a level 2, and BMO has a "wall" up, yet they are selling big, shows "they""BMO trader(s)" maybe working share price IMO. Or visa versa. Support versus walls. Could be for future financing reasons, any number of things.
(No, I don't believe we will be doing a PP here, we have money in the bank as well as rights outstanding. Cash will begin to flow this week and I see no reason for a PP, this isn't a junior miner with no cash flow, or reasonable prospect of cash flow in the short term.)
Also, if you chart houses, sometimes you can gain some insights of who is doing what. Currently, there is a small wall at .35 by TD and National of 220K. TD is a net buyer, average around 31 so why the wall? National has been a net seller. But, we haven't hit any walls, or "sold up" to them, for a while now, bids seem to be filled all the time between 25-32, thanks ANON and BMO.
As an example of error from me, Instinet has been on my screen as constantly filling the bids, something as a long I don't like, appearance of holding it back, yet, house positions shows them as a small net buyer. By coinicidence, I see lots of instinet sells, form an opinion and without a house position report, I made/make an error in judgement. Its BMO and Anon holding this back IMO.
More information is always helpful, noting the volume since Aug 1, over 41 million shares have traded hands. There is interest in ISH IMO. I welcome any other insights/opinion to house positions. Good luck.