RE:Communication idea for TheraWhat Lyne does tells us nothing, she's retiring for personal reasons. The quality of her replacement might be an indication of where the company is going.
Trogarzon wrote:
Thera picks up the phone and dail up la Caisse de Dpt in Montral. Hello La Caisse how are you.. well we are fine investing in Theo Taxi lately. Hum hey guys Ihave an idea for you. oh yes.. good tell us. Well once upon a time in far away place their was a company called Thera.. Thera sold Egrifta to 1000 patients (it was very difficult to convice people to Egrifta)... and then one day Thera found Trogarzo (magic) and it thinks one day it too can be sold to 1000 patients... bring about 1$ a share of profits.. la Caisse was amazed and did ... nothing... and Line look at them and sold more... end of the story boys and girls.