RE:RE:RE:187.4 First HalfHas it occurred to anybody that perhaps
we’re producing too much Oil & Gas ??
If I grow a million pumpkins but don’t have a way
to get them to India so I go broke ! Whose
GD Fault is it ????
If the pathetic Alberta PC’s hadn’t dropped the Royalties
to nothing (3% after costs) the Multinationals wouldn’t have built all those
oil-sands plants & WCS would be >$75.
VII is actually a good example ; They are a newish company that has
borrowed heavily to overproduce Nat Gas that
they knew didn’t have a market (US is selling us Gas cheaper).
If they go broke whose GD fault is it ??
Look at Petronas: they stopped drilling while they’re waiting
for the pipelines/Ngl infrastructure to be built !!