YouTube Presentation.
When we send that south american to the World cup in July with that tattooed Jersey they knew j that video would be used in future presentations like it was. Qatar Airlines is shown with him posing in front of it during the promotional video along with an actual AD. Yalla and Aninna are partnered with ASUS and Yalla latest contract seemed to be with Logitech.. Doors open to two companies that are heavily involved in e sport equipment.. DJ Skee a member of our board of directors... was field side with the Minessota Vikings at an NFL game in his own booth reporting the game... We have people ready to break us into major industries with our master mind Henri creating opportunities of exposure for this great idea. Even the ESL video some of the shots I'm wondering how they were possible without permissions from ESL or assistance from them. The screen shots of the esport app show quests, love betting such as will so and so refuse the bomb sl you can create live content to a love tournament to allow users to debate on a real time frame. The store for fancoins very first option shows esl tickets... very first alot which makes me wonder if that trip to NYC was more then just to watch the event... it would be a win for both Parties.. Lots on the table here to chew and anyone who had done thier DD would realizee that the money to be made here is when this is functioning and being used as a app or forum for esport enthusiasts.. we are pre app release and people are getting tight about the Sp. you should be holding for this idea to unravel. if you can see the plan in its entirety. Henri has a bunch of shares... I'm sure the SP he also in his interest... he could retire extremely wealthy if he pulls.this one off.. I have watched e sports develop directly and even Goldman Sachs is releasing a write up on esports... esports appeal to millions.