Yes. It is the biggest in the world with perhaps the exception of Olympic Dam in Australia which is really a copper mine that produces Uranium as a side product. When all of these new finds are added in it is a very significant deposit. It makes all this nonsense I hear that it will never be mined sound ludicrous. Most of the worlds current mines are finished in 15 years...mined out. New reactors being buit need Uranium for 80 years so many more mines need to be developed to meet that requirement.
When the investment world does wrap its head around how big it is and how cheaply it can be extracted we shall all do very well. Just be patient and let the market do what the market does...gets it wrong and then corrects sharply. It will do that with U in general and with U stocks that have proven deposits.
As far as an FCU/NXE merger. I doubt that Curyer has any desire to partner with FCU but who knows. Deposits are close geographically so I could see a shared mill deal but not much else.