Esports LOGO for FDM
so the logo has a very popular skin from fortnite fhsy named Raven that is available for purchase Via V Bucks, so I'm curious as to how they were able to place a dominant fortnite character skin behind the logo without consent or release from Epic Games, owners and creators of fortnite. Currently the map has infected areas where the ground is lite up purple with different floating platforms almost to mimic an alien environment. The first quest shown on the app on the presentation and on the for that brief amount of time is " race against the clock to the infected area" The second quest is about CS GO and states aim for.head shots to get some smoothies. The game CS GO looks to change character heads into pumpkins for upcoming Halloween. So is it possible these quests could be tied into in game events? Also in the store the very first thing shown for sale is ESL tickets... Now we were in NYC for an ESL.CS GO tournament two weeks ago... Plus some of the shots for the about ESL new York in our presentation do not look like they would've been possible without the assistance or release of footage from ESL... This stew is getting THICK