RE:RE:RE:RE:#1 Prioritybargnhillbilly wrote: In my last post I tried to mention in a humorous way that maybe NAM could take a cheaper approach to open pit mining of the footwall. Really NAM is going to spend thousands of dollars a day to drill but somehow NAM just dont have enough money to hire a Excavator and a dump truck for a couple days? Of course if their is no will to do this? There is alaways an excuse. Ask yourself, how do we get thru all the drilling and get to 2019 PEA without more private placements or a rollback of shares? NAM has a 150 million outstanding shares now according to NAM s homepage. I know a lot of how NAM proceeds depends on Azincourts ability to pay but it's a long leap and lots of hoops to jump thru before a PEA.. I'm still hopeful for a J/V partner. As a shareholder I'm allowed to express my opinion and that's all this is.. GLTA
Lol okay you just don't hire an Excavator and dump truck and think your going to start mining..
And Nam is fully funded for the PEA and the drilling @ RV so I dunno what you are talking about. drilling will be roughly 300 grand the rest for the PEA ...
How does AAZ have anything to do with NAM rv project?? nothing at all ...
NAM is fully funded for the RV project the pea and drilling are paid for ..
AAZ just needs to drill the Li and keep up with payments to NAM .... Even if AAZ pulls out like I do with your wife.They will be fully funded for RV.
AAZ's money and shares would just be icing and let them drill more....
I don't think you even own shares of this company you just like to show up and bash every now and then.... Next time I won't pull out.
PS just games being played with a fund or group. This will be mining in next year or two and not by themselves............ they will have a JV with a big boy.