Crash and burnWell, I don't know about you guys, but I love to see my country, the USA, getting a pummeling in the stock market this week as we sit here, stuck in the mud, waiting for the UK. That's truth's referendum on Trump's policies as I see it, since household wealth of everything was trading far above GDP. Fineqia just sits there in the midst of chaos, at the bottom of the sea, off the radar, waiting and waiting for our hour. But it could be worse I suppose. We could be waiting on my country's regulators to get something done, and they do nothing but obstruct each other in partisan politics. So, I like the Canadian and UK wait better. After we get a good beating, please come educate us on how to act properly on the world stage. I'm sorry for the recent boasting of "nationalism" which sounds like something from Germany in 1933, while at the same time boasting of their soring economy. I do profusely apologize. It's not me. DON'T LOOK AT ME.