The strains they planted in Oregon have between 12% and 18% CBD, which is actually quite good.
The hemp they planted in New Brunswick is indeed low CBD hemp, but they planted these strains only because unfortunately there still are no high CBD strains homologated for outdoor growing in Canada.
Other companies might have more acreage atm and those who grow indoors might produce plants with higher CBD content, but this doesn't automatically mean that these businesses will be more succesful in long term. Firstly because indoor growing is much more expensive (electricity etc), and secondly because most other companies (regardless if indoor or outdoor growers do own the land they use for growing, which is also a pretty big cost factor, firstly because of the aquisition costs but also because of the maintance costs (okay,not so much for outdoor operations, but still a little - field preperation etc also uses ressources and creates costs)
GHG on the other hand uses independent farmers for growing (they will eventually start using this model also in NB next year they said), which will allow them to expand very quickly and at very low cost (GHG pretty much only pays for the seeds and fertilizer). And once Health Canada finally homologates high CBD strains for outdoor growing, GHG can eventually have the same CBD yields as all the indoor growers, only at much lower cost.