RE:SHORT SQUEEZE: NOTHING BUT A DREAMI do agree with you on your points. But for the stock to crash down in one day almost 8 bucks with no justifiable reason. that's just plain trash thrown in the face of honest investors.
Yes the company needs to show it's lights are still on but it does take time, they have done a lot over the past year. Probably a heck of a lot more then any other startup industry has done in the same time period. The stock price above 60 bucks is well justified. A lot of confusion with the word overvalued. For example Morning star report gives ACB and Aphria a much higher value that they are at now. Howerver they gave Canopy a lower value when it was at 60 buck level. Since then they slid it down to 45 bucks value but the values for ACB and Aphria have not changed?
So look where the share prices sit now for the Big 3, Is it manipulation or just false information being provide to investors by the companies doing analysis on the stocks.
I say it's a bit of both. I did see a lamborgini at the Tim Horton's just outside of Ajax last week, someone noticed it. It was white, had a big sharp dent in it. Almost looked like some threw a sharp objec at it. I guess he/she got noticed, lol.