RE:RE:RE:RE:welcome to the world of tradingI wish you the best and if I was in my twenties and would feel the same. im 50 years old and want a million dollar house on Kootney lake BC. I will never be able to afford one unless PAT gets a market cap of 1.5 billion.
Im doing rather well in life that is why I was able to GAMBLE 90 000 on PAT. if I lost the money the game was not over but if it hit, i would be able to buy my dream house. That is all I want from this trade.
I really want to screen shot my trading account that says profit 1 000 000 and to be able to pay cash for my million dollar house. So please please please PAT hurry the FK!!! and get this market cap to 2 billion. everyday for the last 14 months it has been snakes and ladders. Up and down up and down.
Ill be honest my stress levels have been worked so hard this last 14 months that these 30 000 dollar swings up and down do not even faze me any more. The longest I can wait is 2024, that is the year of the Dragon. if im not a millionairrie by then im cashing out regardless if im up down or even. Thou im proaying we hit 20 CDN per share by then
Hockeynut2 wrote: If things go well, I don't think I will ever be all out. I'm hoping this becomes part of my dividend portfolio. GLTA