RE:Discussion of Namaste WarrantsThanks - the only thing I would add is if you sell at the right time, you can actually use some of your warrant holdings to pay for the $3.15 exercise price. For example, let's say I have 11000 N.wt warrants at an average price of $1.27 per warrant. The stock price reaches $6 and above and they become accelerated expiry. Lagging the shares, I decide to sell about 4000 of my n.wt warrants at $5.51 when the share price is at about $6.81 (these are hypothetical but realistic considering the spread and time value). I get about $22000 in proceeds from selling 4000 warrants. I can then exercise the remaining 7000 warrants at $3.15 for roughly $22000 and I have 7000 shares of Namaste. Just an example but for those fully vested you don't have to come up with lots of money to pay the conversion price.