RE:RE:RE:Maybe airbus will buyout bbd 100%?Here is my take on this new old news from Mr Sly alias Sylvain Faust.
The scenario in Fliegerfaust is not original as it repeats almost exactly what BBD did with CSeries except that in the case of CRJ it gives away 100% rather than 50%;
The article in Fliegerfaust dates back to 2018/09/05 so it is the reharsh of something posted 2 months ago;
Sylvain Faust (Mr Sly) used to be a good friend of Bombardier (2 years+ back) and was always posting credible mostly fact-based stories. I don't know what happened between him and Bombardier but now it is almost always negative comments/stories.
I am not familiar with the details with how companies make money by attracting viewers on their internet site (publicity fees I presume) but posts like this one in my view are only meant to attract attention and visits on his site.