RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE: New Midas Letter VideoActually this is what you wrote on
(6/14/2018 1:22:48 PM) RE:RE:What's going on LOL 1.40 today ;;I smell a class action lawsuit by the Canacrap PP suckers whom were duped by PAT to the tune of $2 per shares /..LOL
So where
is this lawsuit you were talking about. Oh wait you are not 100% on your predictions. did you not write this on June 16 2018. "
RE:RE:Thanks for verifying my previous post
thats your opinion and your welcome to;; its not mine and i dont share such I have been in and out of pat and its in my opinion not a good stock right now dead money untill if and when they can get acurate detection of which is their major problem right now.
Well you missed that boat on that call. The sHare price doubled from where you said it was dead money.
How about this quote you wrote on june 15 2018.
RE:If you liked it before, time to add more....
That was NOT smart money that paid $2 that was dumb ;;;;
Apparently dumb money is up 25% from the price the price they bought in at. Ya up 25 % on your investment
n less than a year, yup dumb money.
Did you not write this " Holy chit $1.30 ?? WTF
I knew PAT was in some trouble but down to 1.30??? Canacrap PP investors will be starting class action iam sure
I guess you were wrong again.
June 21 you wrote this. RE:Live demo
If theses A$$holes dont get a properly working scanner very soon they will lose all credibility
Weel cisco partnered with PAT must I admit they do not look like they lost any credbility.
Hey did you not write this on June 20 2018 RE:RE:this is how the rich get richer
LOL nice try not even clsoe totally diferent industry Pat scan better get their sheit together soon cause there on the way to BK
So lets recap your predictions. PAt would get sued FACT. PAT has not been sued.
people who bought PP at 2 were dumb money. FACT PAT investors who bought at 2$ are up 25% on investment.
You said PAT was dead money at 1.40 FACT PAT surged to 3 $ wthin 4 months of you preaching your gospel.
You said PAT would lose credbility FACT PAT partnered wth a 200 billion market company further proving their credbilty.
You said PAT was on the way to bankruptcy FACT PAT has over 7millon in the bank and is three year away from any fiancial distress
HATE to break the news PREDAWN the only thing you are 100 % right on on is you are 100% wrong on everyone of your predicitons. predawn wrote: thats your personal opinion and so be it but so far I have been 100% correct on my analysts of PAT and to note I dont post news thats over a year old like you so whos the biggest Joke?? ]]]]]]
mike270 wrote: Credibility? I do my best but this is Stockhouse and Iam not worried what you and predawn think or say about me LOL You guys are the biggest jokes of all time on StockHouse.