RE:RE:Getting Very Scarybargnhillbilly wrote: I saw this was sliding when I made my pitch to the board about getting average Joe at a couple of NAMs open pit mining sites to process a couple loads to stir up some interest But as usual it fell on deaf ears. I almost got crucified by a couple people! LOL I'm not buying anymore till I see some stability and a way forward. I don't see how that happens without a GOOD J/V partner. As long as NAM's price in the toilet. It's not going to attract any partner we would want. I'm hoping Harry pulls a rabbit out of his hat.....GLTA
Lol well they just aren't going to mine a couple dumps truck loads to show to retail investors...
They have excavator at site with a dump truck atm stripping overburden. Maybe they'll take some video to make you happy :).
But this is being controlled by a controller .... If you have any clue what that is then you'll understand. It's being controlled and manipulated to stay at this price for retails to sell back to them. And they will bump the price up when they want too , Only way to get a good price here is a JV or buyout but it won't happen until 2019 or 2020. It's long play here.
Unless they hit some stupid crazy Li results .. Then boom .