What’s your opinionI know. Certain *cough* person, who has been eagerly awaiting the uranium run. Slowly over time and excitement a madness took over and resulted in this uranium basket, If you had to shave any holdings down what ones would you choose, and what ones might you add,
NXE. Avg. 2.5
CCO. 12.58
DML. 0.68
FCU. 0.65
EFR. 4.1
URE. .98
GXU. 0.21
PTU. 0.07
PALAF. 0.15
SYH. 0.42
MGA. 0.125
API. 0.25
UEX. 0.21
LAM 0.45
ordered in invested amount most on top. What's your opinion. Just for fun.