RE:Qualified Economic ZonesThis opportunity zone stuff was described in the recent NR from Captiva. I think this is actually super excitig and I'm sure will be a big assistance as we seek financing for Sage Ranch (and my favourite way of financing - with OPM naturally!
In a nutshell, it offers
deferrals on (previously earned) taxable gains and if you hold your investiment in the Opportunity Fund 5 or more years it can also result in actual
reductions of your taxable gains. Again at 10 years it sounds to me like its a tax free gain on your "Opportunity Fund" investment?
Q. Have Opportunity Zones been around a long time? A. No, they are new. The first set of Opportunity Zones, covering parts of 18 states, were designated on April 9, 2018. Opportunity Zones have now been designated covering parts of all 50 states, the District of Columbia and five U.S. territories.
Q. What is the purpose of Opportunity Zones?
A. Opportunity Zones are an economic development tool—that is, they are designed to spur economic development and job creation in distressed communities.
Q. How do Opportunity Zones spur economic development?
A. Opportunity Zones are designed to spur economic development by providing tax benefits to investors. First, investors can defer tax on any prior gains invested in a Qualified Opportunity Fund (QOF) until the earlier of the date on which the investment in a QOF is sold or exchanged, or December 31, 2026. If the QOF investment is held for longer than 5 years, there is a 10% exclusion of the deferred gain. If held for more than 7 years, the 10% becomes 15%. Second, if the investor holds the investment in the Opportunity Fund for at least ten years, the investor is eligible for an increase in basis of the QOF investment equal to its fair market value on the date that the QOF investment is sold or exchanged.
Q. What is a Qualified Opportunity Fund?
A. A Qualified Opportunity Fund is an investment vehicle that is set up as either a partnership or corporation for investing in eligible property that is located in a Qualified Opportunity Zone.
Q. Do I need to live in an Opportunity Zone to take advantage of the tax benefits?
A. No. You can get the tax benefits, even if you don’t live, work or have a business in an Opportunity Zone. All you need to do is invest a recognized gain in a Qualified Opportunity Fund and elect to defer the tax on that gain.