RE:RE:RE:BURBCan you guys even fill out a report to file anything,ecause you for sure cant read. The burb deal is not for a website, they are building out 8 retail locations. Atm supplies are thin and retail shops cant even keep inventory the shelves. In the next 6-12 mths more production will be available, that is hopefully the timeline it takes these locations to setup. This company offers dry flower/gelpel pharma/retail(burb)/distrubution channels(dreamwater) And they have lots of land to grow hemp outdoors. One main focus they need is production, which has begone with modular systems and currently making good progress. If they can up production to 8-10k kg/per by April 2019(first qtr of 2019) this stock is a gem. MMJ is done divesting the first 5 million and has begun selling the remaining 5 already. Below 60cents will not last long. Cheers.