RE:Food for thought from numerous sources. Thanks for the link to Angry Geologist. Good questions without drawing a conclusion. I guess we will have to wait and see. By the way-the third quarter comparison to the 2017 quarter was deliberate-Not lying but presenting a comparison that was no where near as relevant as comparing quarter 2, 2018 to quarter 3, 2018. I was surprised by the reaction of the analysts as the question did not come up in the Q&A session. With the upcoming shift to 3800 T/D from the nominal 2700 we should get more gold at lower unit cost even if the grade is less than the supposed mine average as per the FS. I hope the infill drilling to the east brings good numbers as we will need them to extend the mine life especially if we have to revise the reserve numbers downward due to the current results. The mine is making miney, but not quite as much as we hoped for but the AISC seems better than most of the peers. It would be exciting if this years grass roots results point to an additional prospect with mine making potential. I am still hopeful that the 4th quarter will do what was promised as to ounces which to my mind is the principlel target..