RE:RE:Even Andrew Left reconize canopy as the leader and not shortI agree both Left and Snotley Fool are all over the map. Sure short says Canopy is number 1, so he can get the price up so he can do his usual stuff. Snotley Fool is a total joke first pro big MJ companies then bash then pro agian then bash. For sure they are the only Fools attempting to brainwash people. Nothing but a lot of scum out there from what I see. Instead of helping and boosting the Canadian companies and ecomomy all they do is bash when they want the stock to go down and write crapola that they don't really mean when they want the stock to go up. These people are so two faced it's unreal. Society full of con artists.
That's the big difference here folks where the US supports their industry much better then Canadian investment practices. Why do you think the companies here fail big time, just take a look at people like Left and Snotley and others like them, the answer is not far away.