RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Financials outFew Other Positves:
Revenues increased 33.2% in the third quarter of 2018 to $359.4 million from $269.9 million in the prior comparable period
Based on activities achieved through the end of the third quarter of 2018, the Company has achieved an annualized run-rate of $22.3 million in cumulative cost-synergies and has plans in place to achieve $25.1 million in cumulative cost-synergies by the end of the year
As of the end of the third quarter of 2018, the Company has substantially wound down its solar business, such that it does not expect a continued meaningful negative financial impact from the solar business in the fourth quarter of 2018 and beyond.
In October 2018, the Company announced the implementation of a distribution re-investment plan ("DRIP"), which offers Canadian resident unitholders an opportunity to increase their investment in the Trust by receiving distribution payments in the form of Units, without paying additional transaction costs, broker commissions, administrative costs or other service charges.
Normalizing for these impacts, the Distributable Cash and Payout Ratio for the last twelve months were $42.1 million and 86.7%, respectively. Management are comfortable with a temporarily elevated Payout Ratio as the Company implements its strategic initiatives to refocus on the core deregulated energy business and achieve its stated cost-reduction targets.
OPEN AT $5.25, so Mr. $6.25 can dump for a big LOSS to ME :)