Step away from the trees This sector is technically one month old. Step back and look at the forest. Minute by minute charts are blinding people to the potential of the industry. If you need to make astronomical profits within the day, head to the casino and drop your cash on red 23. Took five years for Ford to implement the assembly line, this sector will balloon much faster than that, but it will take time.
There are also many factors behind the scenes that are holding things back which will require remedy. Big Pharm holding the reigns to find their place in this massive industry, provinces dragging their feet in issuing retail licenses, LPs building and preparing their facilities to supply the demand and on and on.
Pump and dumps will happen, shorts will kick SPs to the curb, but the eventual growth and magnitude of this sector will be massive and nothing is going to stop that. The volatility that we have suffered/endured in this sector is going to continue until all the gears start to mesh.
You can't teach an elephant to dance at a weekend conference. Have patience. If you can't weather the time it will take to smooth out the bumps, they serve free gin and tonics at the casino - GLHF