RE:they got 4 mil at closing the>RaduBiris wrote: erms of the Agreement
Under the asset purchase agreement for the acquisition of the Node40 Business (the "APA"), HashChain has acquired the NODE40 Business for a purchase price comprised of US$8,000,000 in cash, payable as to US$4,000,000 at closing (subject to a closing adjustment provision), and US$2,000,000 on each of 180 days and one year following the closing date, and a total of 3,144,134 common shares in the capital of HashChain ("Shares"), to be issued in the following amounts and on the following dates (each, an "Issue Date"): (i) 1,800,000 Shares on the closing date, (ii) 700,247 Shares on the date that is 180 days following the closing date; and (iii) 643,887 Shares on the one-year anniversary of the closing date, subject to NODE40s option to receive cash in lieu of up to 30% of the shares issuable pursuant to (ii) and (iii) above to a maximum of $600,000 USD for (ii) and $600,000 USD for (iii) above.
You make me repeat myself ... I don't like that :
"Right now KASH is at 11.7 m$ they originaly bought NODE 40 for 8 m$ (6 M$ of which have already been paid out) and 3.2 m shares (2.5 m share have been paid out) 1.8m share most likely sold at arround 0.70$ each and 0.7m shares most likely sold at arround 0.14$ each so the two guys from NODE 40 got more or less 7.3 m $ cash so far in total from selling the compagny (+ 2m$ cash and 0.7m share to be released in febuary of 2019)."
And the originale owner just paid KASH 5.2m$ to clear Hashchain's dept - 400 000$ for I don't know what.