it can only get better.
The way I see it is like this. We opened with the IPO on the TSX V on Nov 14 2016 at 80 cents CDN per share. We are now two years in and we are at 2.40 CDN per share.
BAsically we have triple our share price or increased it by 1.60 CDN per share since the IPO. Considering the stock market averages 6% a year for the last 100 years this is an incredible increase. If we were following the normal trend of the stock average per year, this stock would be at 92 cents CDN per share.
Obviously we have had a FANTASTIC run so far. Early investors have tripled their share price in two years. Not an easy feat for the stock market. Face book opened on May 18 2012 at a price of 38 USD per share.
It toook FB till May 2016 to triple their share price from the IPO date. That is a total of 4 years of waiting to triple your money, if you bought FB the day it went to market.
PAT has tripled their share price twice as fast as FB has. It has only taken PAT two years to triple the share price from the IPO date.
So anyone complaining or thinking we are not moving fast enough is either crazy, greedy or just PLAIN STUPID !!!!!!!
So lets all be thankfull that PAT is increasing the share price at TWICE the rate FB did when it first came onto the market.
So anyone still wondering what is going on, I will tell you what is going on. We are increasing our share price twice as fast as FB has since their IPO> If we can continue at this rate in two years we will be at 7.50 CDN per share.
That would be a TEN BAGGER in the stock market in less than 4 years. It has been six years and FB has not even given investors a six bagger, and FB is one of the top performing stocks of this decade.
So good ole PAT is treating us rather nicely so PAT your self on the back and enjoy the ride because theREAL gamne has not even started yet.