RE:ORE SORTERS .. Allenbow No one is disputing that ore sorters have a role in pre-treatment -pre-concentration of various ore types but they wont change the overall economics of the gold bearing conglomerates and in my opinion gold losses for a variety of reasons would be considerable. I have yet to see them in successful operation in high capacity alluvial gold mines. Their application thus far is mostly in sulphides and complex mineralised quartz and still their application is no more than separating waste ore. We do that in our plants anyway -once we determine what size fraction contains most of the gold we can divert waste ore by simply changing our screen size - we dont need a sophisticated million dollar ore sorter.
At the end of the day my friend find the gold first and the ONLY way you are going to do that in the gold bearing conglomerates is install large gravity plants. Novo is like a dog chasing its tail - sad but true... Hopefully Artemis and the experts commmissioning the 'ole rust bucket will provide us with many answers -if the conglomerates are not small patchy concentrations of high grade gold which is increasingly likely based on results thus far.