RE:The Selling (And that’s really too bad but...)If they consider that PWR will get licence in Mexico the 1st ½ of 2019, then great. As far as I recognize, GRB ought to be established beforehand (Montalva verdict in and RB in full steam).
As for the SP; let the traders (not investors) do what they desire. We know the SP will mount with the Montalva verdict, and any tangible evidence that RB is heading to 14 million as revealed. But then the traders may sell off gain to bring it to these levels. I am not concerned. It’s not about the SP. It’s about accumulation at the end; when dividends will be dispersed. The more I can accumulate = the more dividend I will add to my fortune.
This link is from 2013 about the CEO and GBR. Just thought I throw this in. Now ask yourself: "Do you feel lucky"