Suggestion SBBI think the best will be a spin-off of the Wishbone Belt and Hacket River, with share compensation for the new company for the SBB Sharholders.
Bruce McLeod, should be the CEO of the new company, and the chair of him at Sabina then is free for a Guy which is able to bring Back River in to production.
I think the shareholders are very tired of the way Bruce and the IR acts.
We need a someone with a plan and a vision and not a CEO which is tellings the same story years over years with nothing new like a new resource calculation.
They bulid a port and the IR told the world after it was build, the IR do not know how the stock market works.
So the best would be a spinn of, cause Bruce is a Gold Explorer but he is not like Robert Quatermain, which is a mine builder in a ambitious market.