RE:Putting a high limit sell order will prevent shortsIMO Your shares are used to short: As a test to this my approx. 134k shares were being used to short today no matter whether or not they have a high sell order...How can I make this statement? This afternoon I sold all of them at $2.48 via Scotia at about 3:30 ET, within moments the amount of shares on the bid side at $2.49, $2.50, $2.51 etc., dropped by the same amount to the low 20-30k. Did anyone else spot this also? Shortly afterwards the balancing from other brokerage firms started filling the ask ($2.49 to 2.51...etc) until my 134k were replaced...that took about 10-15 minutes. IMHO each and every bank/brokerage lends/borrows your shares to the 'highest' bidder, the more volatile the stock such as BBD.B the higher the fee that is charged. It is all about the money and likely gross amounts of greed.