GREY:COSLF - Post by User
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M101on Nov 23, 2018 1:34pm
Post# 29015037
hoist on their own petard
hoist on their own petardWith the tar sands on the precipice of another bust cycle I have to wonder how desperate Trudeau will get before his next election (Oct 21) . By then Notley will be long gone (May 31) along with the 2019 winter drilling season, but hoards of Albertans will still worship the almighty saviour known as Pipeline To Tidewater, pbuh. As always, The National Oil Rag pontificates for the (self)righteous:
Everyone in the oil patch knows it's always been a boom and bust industry. And everyone who plays stocks knows how a cascade starts. This is going to be a rough ride and I sure am glad we're over on the sidelines for now.