RE:Bundeep just posted about 10 videos.Good. So it works. For now. But for how long? Add this to a long list of reasons as to why Seeking Alpha remains the #1 board, hands down, by a huge margin. They figure out problems fast. Unlike I-Hub, they don't have unqualified teenagers as moderators, and they have police policing the police. So, Stockhouse does have that over Ihub. Well, one of those videos was very good, Mac. The one where he explained Blockchain. It was the best use of analogies and wording I've seen by anyone so far. And Bundeep used that word trust a lot. I do trust Bundeep. He is more libertarian in his views than me. I do like regulators. I don't care if they are always two steps behind. It's the most deregulated market where all the scams are happening -- ie, the more unregulated otc board. Which, ironically, where all my money is coming from a certain Toga scam (scam in my opinion, that is). Truth will come out in the shake. I still predict Fineqia will be the one on top. But in the meantime, we are waiting unnecessarily in the mud because all our money is going into investments instead of competent stock promotion. And also because Bundeep didn't tie the hands of anyone. No restricted shares. I like my competition to have its hands tied. It really gives me a great unfair advantage, especially in the deregulated market where regulators have no laws to tie hands! :) So, anyway, I better hit post before stockhouse breaks down again. Because they definitely some kind of internal self-regulation.