R.S. B.S.! 260m shares / 5 = 52m shares Possible example: Then they will issue 48m shares at $5.00 a share ($1.00 pre split price to raise 240m odd dollars......for some stupid deal Who wins? 1) current shorters will make a killing! Is that mmcap who still have their previous deals hedged?? (Read media articles about how they are.doing this) 2) lead brokers for next deal, they will know when its coming and make tons on common equity and in deal.fees (will that be mmcap??) 3)mgmt : appeasing the.financial industry and creating an imaginary stock price cushion. What a bunch of fkin bs; again...enough of opt.greens agenda ; enough letting these amatuers screw things up(good lord it took 3 years to get an investors deck online) New ceo should open the AGM with an apology and announce reverse split is off the table !