RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Why no news on Nokia settlement?I can't resist. A few mistakes? Quickly...... 10.5 million for a convicted terrorist. Another 30 + million for 3 suspected terrorists. Friendly with people who fake their families kidnapping, lets thousands of illegal immigrants into the country, when those trying to get in through legal means are taking years to get acccepted. while there is 'no money' for veterans who laid their lives on the line for freedom. Most divisive PM ever. ie sets up a fund just for women to support their technology ideas. Tens of thousands of people in Alberta out of work and he buys Trans Mountain with my tax dollars to ensure it never gets built. Most fiscally irresponsible PM ever. Deficits every years yeet claims the economy is doing great because jobs are being created. Jobs arre being created, but if t eeconomy is doing so great why can't we balance the budget or even pay down some of the debt. Thats because the economy is being funded by deficit financing and its not sustaiinable. CArbon tax? you've got to be kidding . CAnada is already carbon neuttral as our ecc system takes in as much or more CO2 than we produce. Will do nothing to help globally. Milllions of gallons of raw sewage the Liberals approved to be dumped into the water at Montreal and vancouver, yet they claim to be environmental champions. Maybe they should figure out how to tax that. LOL.
He's a politician . But he's not a leader, governor, manager or an executor. Great leaders understand their limitations and surround themselves with people who can fill the skill vacancies. Justin just isn't smarrt enough to do that.
All the screwups I mentioned above ? I'm personally responsible for. I voted for him. A mistake I'll not repeat.,