RE:RE:RE:Companies that are In Nxo's Position Are Best To Go To There is an incredible amount of goodwill and positivity here. Not just amongst the posters on this board, but from the company. Rhys has been most helpful in his email responses, and all indicators are that the meeting in Calgary was also very upbeat. Genuine positivity of this nature doesn't just manifest itself on its own. Walk around the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference, in a down market, and it is like you are walking in the valley of death. Even in a good market, the shysters are out in full force trying to take the money of naive retail investors.
In all of my workplace experience, a sense of positivity like this ONLY happens when morale is high, the team is mission focussed and hard at work. Idle hands and a lack of focus creates stagnation and, in quick order, negativity.
When I used to go to companies to visit their IR people, when residing in Vancouver, I would make it a point NOT to see the company at a resource show, when they are cranking hard on the pump machine. Rather, I would visit the company offices. I would do what very few people do. I would assess morale amongst staff. Their words, their responses, their body language. It is simple actually, but something that very few people acknowledge.
Two people that I would love to play poker with are Jay Chemalauskas and Darin Wagner. Both mining company CEO's. Both became very successful. But, they showed their genuine emotion on their sleeve. Very easy to see that both were highly stoked about their projects (both of which became successful mines).
Now, my point. Although I haven't met the company principles, all indications from those who have, and from the videos that I've seen, are that this team possesses all those things that have allowed the positivity to manifest. They are working on all cylinders, mission-focussed, seeing the results.......