PYR - Steady OnGood Day All Longs, Bet you a few are glad that this day is over. Generally speaking, with the DOW dropping a solid 800 pts while PYR held steady. I suspect the Longs of PYR, in the majority by far, are simply holding longer term to see this incredible story unfold as PYR has significant plays coming on in the weeks/months/qtrs. to come. The shorting doesn't seem to be working well for some as just a few weeks ago, the avg price of the shorts sold was approx. 0.625 per share. Must be hurtful/worrisome that with the DOW plunging, PYR not so much. Must say with some help from these shorters, I have been able to pick up more shares ' on the cheap '. All good. Best wishes to All Longs, Sincerely, Topseeker