RE:Trying to understand these 500 share tradesSchowy wrote: Can someone help me understand why 3 traders (1 Anonymous, 2 RBC and 99 Jitney) are trading the same approx 4500 shares back and forth in lots of 500. Is this computor generated? (Bots)
I can't understand the motivation or the sense of it as its mostly happening in the Neo, Omega, and other fringe exchanges, which most people likely don't even realize is happening, so whats the point? Yesterday 300, 000 shares changed hands, and the net result is these 3 traders were likely close to the number of shares they started with, seems nuts to me, and what about the cost of all these trades?
Anyway would appreciate some insight here if anyone can help.
Lastly, am I the only one that thinks the start of the Richmond project deserved its own press release, versus being tucked into the annual financials release? This company needs to promote these news worthy events much better, and keep updates coming imho.
Anyone else feel the same?
I agree 100%.... I can't believe the Richmond construction start was but a mention many paragraphs down. Promotion opportunity fail.